

I have been tagged by my dear friend Brittany. In this little game, we are to reveal 7 "interesting" things about ourselves, that not many people may know..... so here it goes......!

1. Well first of all this is harder than it seems. I'm a friendly, people-person but one thing about me is that it is not very easy for me to tell things about myself. Opening up sometimes is a little difficult. There that's one thing! :)

2. I do like teaching 1st grade (they are adorable) but I know I would really enjoy working as a chef, after having gone to a culinary school.

3. I would love to live in France - any part - but somewhere where I could fluently speak and live in French. It's so beautiful and after having taken 13 years of French classes in school, I ashamedly admit that I cannot remember 75% of what I learned. :(

4. I check facebook and my email probably like 4 or 5 times a day. It's almost an addiction. I wanna know what other people are doing, catch up with others (especially through pictures) and see who I can catch online and chat with. Of course this does not happen when students are in the room, but when they go to recess or lunch break or even prep time...my goal is to check email once in the morning and again after school - no more in school. Good goal right? :)

5. I crave chocolate just about everyday. If I could just eat chocolate of some sort for the rest of my life - I probably would - providing it had no affect on the body. It's so delicious and nutrious (as one of my kid's said the other day while eating some chocolate my Dad gave him) and it's yummy and well that's about that - and yes, I've had my chocolate of the day!

6. I love watching One Tree Hill and the new 90210. Yes I'm 23 and still enjoy those shows but what can I say? It's addicting and it's become a weekly night that Brit and I get together for (at least OTH).

7. Living in Saipan is an amazing experience. This is my 2nd farthest place away from my family and it never gets any easier. Some have asked if it's easy because I continue to move farther and farther away - but it really isn't. It's really hard - hard to stay in contact and even in touch. I miss my siblings and parents and family back home more than I ever and I hope that they know that no matter how far away I choose at the moment to live - I will always love, care and appreciate them - and I am always here for any of them - even if you just need someone to talk to!

And that's that! So now I get to tag someone else....and I will tag.....Lisa! Have fun!!! :)

1 comment:

Janelle said...

wait..culinary school?! I love posts like these...totally random stuff comes up!
Think about you guys a lot..