So I don't know if anyone reads this anymore. If not I can't say that I blame you. (if I truly believed that no one reads it anymore I guess I wouldn't have written that sentence... or this one) I honestly wasn't even sure if Jackie still updated. I guess we're both more facebookers than bloggers.
In any case, I need to post this just to say that my sisters are amazing people. There are a number of reasons for this sentiment, most of which I'm going to keep to myself. But the thing that convinces me most of their amazing-ness has to do with the people they've become.
Why didn't I already know that they are amazing people? you might ask. Let me explain.
First of all, I think I have only just discovered who my sisters are. Again, that might sound a bit peculiar. My sisters and I did grow up together. What I mean is that I don't think I had any idea the type of people that my sisters have grown up to be until the past 6sih months. I clearly remember my/our childhood and I regret that much of it was spent arguing, fighting, teasing, and basically just not getting along. Many friends of my sisters and I were similarly aged and got along famously. Not so for the Van Dam kids. To be honest, it was mostly... ok ok I'll actually be honest here, it was all my fault. Any fighting we did can be traced directly to me. I can't say for certain what my problem was back then. I think I was very envious of the relationship my sisters had with each other. But I don't know why that would cause me to instigate so much discord. My behavior and jealously prevented me from getting to know my sisters and who they actually were.
Second, I have been apart from my sisters for the majority of the time since they were 16 and 13. Having been away at college and now even further away in Saipan has robbed me of being near to my sisters when the person they have become was being molded. I definitely didn't and still don't make near enough effort to stay in touch with them while being away. Again, my fault.
Now for the reason why I think they are amazing.
Beth and Becca, you have become your own person. I don't mean in a congratulations type of way. That might infer that I have become my own person, which I'm not sure that I have. I mean like, Holy crap! My sisters are really stinking awesome people and I had no idea till now! I love people who are their own person. These people are who they are. They don't apologize for it. They don't try to hide in a crowd or put on an act. You both are all of these things and so much more. You both are unique and wonderful people.
I have to admit that I'm still jealous. Not as much for the relationship that you have with each other. (Though I'm still a little jealous about that) I'm more jealous of the people that get to be your friends, that get to spend time with you, that get to see you often. Those are the things I want. I'm sorry for not realizing all of this earlier. Please know that I'm a big fan of you both.